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How To Win a Job Via SMS

There are three key factors that will make you successful on iseekplant when responding to leads.

At iseekplant, we've been working with suppliers for 15+ years, helping them win more work. From this, we've learnt the best way to respond to a seeker to potentially win their work. Below is a video where we break down how to successfully respond but if you don't have time for that here are the key factors:

1. Speed

Respond as soon as you can. Try to respond within 30 minutes. If you make a seeker wait, they'll find someone else to talk to.  

2. Detail

Be specific in your response. Ask questions and add details to your response that demonstrate you've read the inquiry and you understand what's required.

3. Follow Up

Suppliers who follow up their customers convert twice as much business as ones that don't. Seekers are busy, so follow them up on SMS, with calls, and send quotes on email. 


Video Transcript

Hi everyone, I'm Sally and I'm one of the founders of iseekplant. I'm here to help you get the most out of your iseekplant membership and show you how to respond to a job lead using SMS.

There are three key factors that will make you successful on iseekplant when responding to leads.

Number one is speed.

Respond as soon as you can. Try to respond within 30 minutes. If you make a seeker wait, they'll find someone else to talk to.  

Number two is detail.

Be specific in your response. Ask questions and add details to your response that demonstrate you've read the inquiry and you understand what's required.

Number three is follow up.

Suppliers who follow up their customers convert twice as much business as ones that don't. Seekers are busy, so follow them up on SMS, with calls, and send quotes on email.

As a premium member of iseekplant, when you receive a lead from a seeker, you will receive it as a text message, you may receive it as a notification if you've downloaded the app.

You'll get an email and the lead will be published in your My Leads section of the customer portal. You're able to respond to the seeker directly by messaging back the number that texted or called you. Or you're able to log into your customer profile and use the messaging services in there to respond to them professionally.

When you receive a Job Lead on iseekplant, it will look like this. It will contain information about the location, the type of machine or service, the duration, details about the job and the phone number of the seeker. If you want to read the project details, you can click on the details link at the bottom.

If you want to respond to the seeker, you can go ahead and reply back to the same number and you'll be connected with them.

There is also a link at the bottom of the message called politely decline. We installed this feature so you can politely let the seeker know that you're unavailable or uninterested. If you click that link, we send them a polite response on your behalf.

Here are some examples of professional replies to SMS. Professional replies should include your name and company. Repeat some of the detail in the inquiry so the seeker knows that you've read their request.

For complex jobs that aren't easy to quote unless you have detailed information about the requirements, the best thing you could do is try to get the seeker on the phone.

First, try to call them back and speak directly. If it's a missed call, we send them a reminder text that you called, asking them to call you back. If you cannot reach them, SMS and request a call with the seeker to discuss the details of their job. For jobs that are easier to quote and have more straightforward requirements, We recommend replying with your rates and availability as quickly as possible.

The seeker has used iseekplant because they have a problem, and the first person to solve that problem usually wins the job. Give them details about what you're offering. In this example, the supplier talks about the machine they have available and its key specs. And here's a pro tip. Finish with a call to action, which is an invitation for the seeker to message back and book or call to book.

So that was the good stuff, but now let's look at some replies that likely won't convert. What you have to remember is that the seeker might have contacted multiple companies in the area of their job site, and they are looking for a professional supplier to solve their problem.

Never send your rates without additional information or identifying information. It looks like you're not serious and it's not professional. Also, the person hunting on iseekplant is in a hurry and usually busy, so don't make them do the running around. Call them and message them. Don't ask them to call you because they won't. It's likely other suppliers have already reached out and they'll usually choose the path of least resistance.

They will likely just go with the supplier who's being most proactive.  Be clear and complete in your messages. Just flicking a lazy response will confuse the seeker and come off as if you're not taking it seriously.  Now the last one here happens a bit when a seeker replies that they are ready to book you in, then you forget and text them back three days later asking if they still need help.

This universally loses you the job every time. Suppliers who follow up their leads win twice as much work as the ones who don't.  After the initial contact with the seeker, reach out to them the next day and see how their search is going. Just jumping back into their messages will jog their memory and help them move their procurement process forward.

After SMSing, follow up with a call. This shows you're keen and hungry to win the work. If you have enough information to quote, then we strongly suggest you submit a formal quote. Include the quote, the contract, and all the details necessary to formulate a booking, saving you both time and money.

So that is how you use the SMS feature on iseekplant to take each inquiry from the lead stage to booking and a job.